
Why You Can Cook with Real Extra Virgin Olive oil
jamie_oliver_olive_oil from Kerry Hart on Vimeo. Let me tell you a story........ "But you can’t cook with olive oil! It smokes at a low temperature!" I was doing a tasting at Farro’s yesterday and this lady was adamant that this was true! What was I to do, knowing...

How Does Olive Oil Compare with Coconut Oil?
WRITTEN BY: Tim Crooxidant, Olive Wellness Institute Coconut oil has grown in popularity over recent years. An example of the power of the Internet to propagate any food to ‘superfood’ status, are the claims made about coconut oil more a case of good marketing over good science? Here we look at how...

Climate change is impacting olive yields
I have been analysing the olive harvest yields that we have achieved over the last three years and see some warning signs. Fluctuating yields are showing that the increments we achieved year on year over the previous five years could not be extrapolated to deliver increases in olive production going forward...

End of August specials in-store
Get a Raptor Rub free when you buy 2 bottles of 2016 extra virgin olive oil. Special pricing on remaining stocks of 2015 extra virgin olive oil. 20% off balsamic combo - Argento/Oro/Piccante

Raeward Fresh Tasting Tour
We are doing in-store tastings at three Raeward Fresh stores in Queenstown, Harewood and Richmond next week. The schedule is: Queenstown: Monday 22nd - 1pm to 4pm Harewood: Tuesday 23rd - 1pm to 4pm Richmond: Friday 25th - 10am to 1pm We will be presenting Azzuro extra virgin olive oils as...
NZ's Best Dining Guide
Azzuro is exposed amongst NZ's best restaurants in the latest issue of New Zealand's Best Dining Guide. Click here to view